Corbin Muunokhoi's Stronghold
Character Name: Corbin Muunokhoi House or Apartment? Technically the ruins of a French fort, back when Napoleon was a big man in town, but we'll call it a house. Address: New Orleans, Louisiana. Forest outside of the city, and about three days run from Erik's log cabin. Current Occupant(s): Corbin Muunokhoi, and the murderous band of miscreants that he calls his 'pack.' They total around 25/30, depending on if they survive nights in Corbin's den, and range from born shifters to brutally turned weres. Description of your home: Like any good ruin, the fort is twice the size of Knox, with crumbled stone walls and various rotting wooden escape tunnels. There is one large room with half a ceiling that forms Corbin's 'reception room,' and various other dark, grimy-yet-enclosed rooms that serve as the pack's sleeping quarters. Any other business is performed outside in the woods. The only specialty room that has any kind of decoration to it would be, quite distastefully, 'the tower,' where all of the pack leader's torture sessions occur. Additional Information: n/a